Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Last night....

Well, I said I would post as to why my wee, little Landen is sleeping....let's just say, last night was "eventful"! The short version...he has had these weird, seemingly very painful stomach "episodes". He has no other symptoms and is fine in between these times. The night before last he was woken up by it. He screams and seems to be unable to get comfortable and then it just seems to stop. I took him to the Dr. yesterday afternoon and she checked him and said she couldn't see/feel anything and having no other "symptoms" was a good sign. We scheduled another appt. to follow up on Wednesday, but she said if he gets worse or frequency increases to take him in. Well...poor little man...last night within a span of 2 hours, he woke up twice! The second time, Mark and I decided enough was enough and I would take him in....it was 1am!

The whole medical thing is soooooooooooo different here, with Nationalized Health Care and all. It was really weird not needing to call ahead to the hospital or get a referral or remember to bring the right ID/cards with you. We called the hospital (out of habit) and they said "no worries, I'll connect you and there will be a Dr. waiting to see him when you arrive". So, he was checked out and the Dr was a bit puzzled...he too said having no fever was a "good thing", but they were not sure what is was. They gave him meds for the pain and said to keep my follow up appt with the Dr I saw, but, again, if it got worse to bring him in. It's the kind of thing, you think if you could get hime there WHEN he was having one of these "attacks", they may have a better idea of what it may be. I was concerned about appendecitis, but they said he is real young for that and there is always a fever with that and he has none..... We were back home in a couple of hours...much more efficient than I am used to....

So, needless to say, we are a bit tired this morning (he is still sleeping) and he may need some follow up testing...Please keep him in your prayers and I will keep you all posted. Thanks and God Bless!

Our first sight of SNOW!!!

Well, here we are...it's only the 28th of October and we have seen our first sight of SNOW!! They say here that it doesn't snow in October...hardly ever! Last year, it didn't snow until January! I wonder if this means that our first winter here is going to be a doozy! :) Cameron and Trevor were simply thrilled to see snow. They couldn't believe it! I told them that this was really nothing, just a "dusting" and that we would get to see lots more...you should have seen their eyes widen...pure excitement! It was great!! :) Landen is still sleeping...(but that story will be in the post to follow).

Our front lawn...the bay window you see is in our lounge. The small column you see is a VERY old sundial. I want to research it if I can...see, the house is over 100 years old, but the slate topper to the sundial has a carved name and a date of 1813!!! And that is not a typo!

This is our back garden, as see through my big kitchen window. There is the trampoline we brought over with us and our grill (under the black cover).

As I am finishing this post, it has begun to snow! Cameron is amazing and is staring out our office window. Unfortunately, I don't think you are able to see the snow in the picture. Anyway, I like the photo...It's cold now, but still loving every minute! Love and hugs to all!