Okay, I know this is "pre" 2009, but I had to include the Christmas picture of the boys in their Scottish kilts!! How absolutely adorable!! It will also show how much the boys have grown!! Time seems to be flying by....
Christmas is an amazing time of year...a time for us to reflect on all that God has given us! It is so easy to get caught up in the "Holiday Hype" and forget about what it all really means. We have really enjoyed making lasting memories with our boys...we spent tons of time just being together...in whatever form...we made cookies, played games, sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus, watched Christmas movies and the list goes on....
Landen helping with cookies...
Landen, Trevor, and Cameron with their special cookies for Santa! And don't forget the carrot for Rudolph! :)...keeps his nose bright!
Santa turned Landen into "Spidey-Landen"!!
One REALLY special thing that happened in December was we had Mark's family over from America. It was the second time his parents came over, but both of his brothers and one of their girlfriends, also joined in the Christmas celebration! It was great fun....very busy, but tons of memory making happening!
Brooke, this is for you!! Grandma and Grandpa got them all "geared" up! They loved that they "said" Texas, even though they were "far away" from Texas! :)
My mother-in-law would probably not be too happy if she knew this picture was on the world-wide web, but...:)...her expression is too great not to share! This is a wool and silk stole that I knit for her....I am so glad she loved it!
Mark and I, our three boys, and Mark's older and younger brothers. It was so nice to be surrounded by family...lots of food, stories, laughs...and good "vino"!
Trevor and Landen enjoying their time with their Uncle Mike!
It was hard to say good-bye when everyone one, but we were so grateful that they were able to spend that special time with us. Christmas 2008 was one we will always remember!
I must add...this was Mark's AMAZING Christmas gift to me!! An antique, Longcase Clock, circa. 1780, made in St. Ninians, which is right outside of Stirling, Scotland, a few hours south of us! Not only is it beautiful and in amazing original condition, but it is basically from right here! What a great piece of "living" memory!
It look gorgeous in our hall...looks like it just "belongs" there. No matter where we live, it will forever remind me of the wonderful journey God has put us on here in Scotland!
Mark and I have wondered all the "stories" this clock had heard over its 200+ years! Absolutely amazing! Thank babe, I love it!
Our first Hogmanay, here in Scotland! The Eve of December 31st...we had some friends over, ate lots of yummy food, played Guitar Hero and toasted in the New Year surrounded by friends! A few pictures from that celebration... 
Mark and I bringing in another New Year together!
My friend, Shelley and I.
A toast to 2009!
It was an amazing year for us! Thanks be to God for that!