Saturday, June 7th, 2008 - Today, we took the boys down to Dunnotar Castle. Here is a link where you can read about its history, which is fascinating! http://www.dunnottarcastle.co.uk/
It is about 15 miles south of Aberdeen on the coast, just outside the town of Stonehaven. This castle is breathtaking! It sits on a huge rock formation with sheer cliffs on three sides! To think of the positional advantage of the castle's location is really amazing! Can you imagine trying to figure a way to lay siege on this castle?
The boys were simply amazed by the sight of it! Cameron and I have just did a bunch on the feudal system - castles, lairds, ladies, etc. So, to see the real thing in person, shocked him. With the castle being one of ruins, we explained what things "used to be" and both he and Trevor, just seemed in awe by it all. Cameron wanted to see where the battlefield was and when we showed him the big grassy area, he just kept saying, "they had a fight right there? ...a long long time ago, right?"
It was a great day! And a fantastic "first" castle to take them to see! We stopped and had dinner before heading home. We ate a The Bervie Chipper in Stonehaven, which is a fish and chip restaurant. It was excellent! Man, do they know how to make the best fish and chips!! Remember, "chips" in the UK are french fries and "crisps" are potato chips.
It is about 15 miles south of Aberdeen on the coast, just outside the town of Stonehaven. This castle is breathtaking! It sits on a huge rock formation with sheer cliffs on three sides! To think of the positional advantage of the castle's location is really amazing! Can you imagine trying to figure a way to lay siege on this castle?
The boys were simply amazed by the sight of it! Cameron and I have just did a bunch on the feudal system - castles, lairds, ladies, etc. So, to see the real thing in person, shocked him. With the castle being one of ruins, we explained what things "used to be" and both he and Trevor, just seemed in awe by it all. Cameron wanted to see where the battlefield was and when we showed him the big grassy area, he just kept saying, "they had a fight right there? ...a long long time ago, right?"
It was a great day! And a fantastic "first" castle to take them to see! We stopped and had dinner before heading home. We ate a The Bervie Chipper in Stonehaven, which is a fish and chip restaurant. It was excellent! Man, do they know how to make the best fish and chips!! Remember, "chips" in the UK are french fries and "crisps" are potato chips.
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