Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blog Update…

…from Scotland!


     Okay, so here’s a quick post about our blog’s progress. As I mentioned to friends and family on Facebook, one of my New Year’s resolutions was to “catch up” on our family blog and stay caught up! Now, considering my blogging history, that is alot, but I am bound and determined to try my best! We love it too, because it is like a living journal of our time here in Scotland, that we can “look back on” and enjoy. We already do that, even with what I have succeeded in blogging. :) Since I have barely scrapbooked since moving here (knitting has been my wonderful addiction), it will also help with remembering all of this “stuff”, once I get around to scrapbooking it!

     So, I had a few “holdbacks” that were annoying my blogging experience. One BIG one was, since I was soooooooooooo behind,  blogging events from, say, July in October and Blogger putting them under October in the archive! That was driving me crazy and I couldn’t seem to change it. Well, after spending most of Monday on the computer, determined to figure it all out and make our blog “look” more the way I wanted it to look….I did it! Yeah, me! Found a few different sites and Windows Live Writer and I am psyched!! I do has one thing that is still bugging me a bit, (and if anyone knows how I can remedy it…PLEASE tell me), when you click on the photographs on the blog they do not “blow up” to full screen size??? That one I haven’t yet figured out. But all is moving along nicely….

     So, the best way to “catch up” on our adventure in Scotland is probably to “go back in time”! I have moved all the past posts to their correct chronological months, so if it “happened” in June 2008, then it is in the Blog Archive under June 2008. I have also added some past events and will continue to do so. But to make it easier for all of you, after each “month” that I “catch up”, I will post (real time) that I have done so. Make sense? I will also put it on my Facebook wall. As of right now, May 2008 and June 2008 are complete. There are many other new posts, if you feel like browsing around. But, for ease I am just telling you the completed months.

Enjoy and God Bless! Keep in touch, we’d love to hear from you!


Julia said...

Hey Mick Family! I love seeing the pictures from all your adventures over there. The house is adorable....you will not want to ever leave.

Trevor, Happy Birthday! It's hard to believe you are already 7! I know your teacher loves having you in her class.

Cameron...you are getting so tall. I miss talking to you.

And Landon...not a baby anymore. I still think of you in a stroller at lunch.

Happy New Year to all of you.
With love, Julia Hackney

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

what an adventure!
what fun!
what a blessing!

i really look forward to peeking about! seeing how yall are.

and so great for your family & friends... we all get to share in all the good over there! :)

i love live writer. can not do without it! love it!
when i got my mac i panicked... no LW for mac! what!!!!!
luckily my brother installed a virtual machine on my mac... so i get to use windows!
sure wish they'd create a mac compatable version! :)

not positive on the pic size thing.
i optimize my photos before posting them... so i know mine do the same thing... i have them at max size already.

BIG hugs to yall... much love!

carissa... brown eyed fox