Sunday, June 22, 2008

Landen's 3rd Birthday!!

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008 - Our little man, Landen Tyler Mick, turned the BIG 3 years old!!! Wow wee does time go by fast! He is the sweetest little guy, with such a bright, sunny personality. He is totally Mark and I's "sanity relief", when the older two start driving each other mad. He loves to snuggle, and kiss, tell "jokes" (he thinks HE is funny, at least), be my little helper, draw, vaccum, do "school" with Cameron, dance, EAT, etc., etc. He is such a blessing. God is really amazing!

The whole restaurant thing is very different here. In TX, we would have a zillion options for the boys to pick from, as to where they would want to go eat for their birthday. And we could always count on some sort of fun "perk", like being sung to, wearing a funny hat, riding a saddle, etc. Well here, they really do not do that. Firstly, there are very few "American like" restaurants, that would be lound and kid-friendly. And another thing, you don't just decide last minute to go out to eat, especially on a weekend...places are way booked up. SO...considering we had just gotten to Scotland and he wasn't having a party with friends, we wanted it to be fun for him. First, we went to the TGI Fridays that is here, and there was a 2 1/2 hour wait!!! But, right next to it is a place called Chiquito's... so we tried it. No wait! and it was loud and kid friendly AND, to our surprise, there was a roaming Magician on Sunday and it WAS SUNDAY!!!!

It was great, the food was real good and the waiter called the Magician over and told him about our Birthday Boy. He must have been at our table for 15-20 minutes. The boys were amazed!! He even had a real white "magic" bunny! It was perfect! You can see in Landen's face that it was a great 3rd Birthday!!

Afterward, we stopped and bought the cutest little Caterpillar cake. He loved it!!! We all had nice tall glasses of milk and a piece of cake, after singing the famous "Happy Birthday Song" Cha Cha Cha... It was the perfect closure to a perfect day!!! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

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